Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I want to start this off by being frank and simple and honest. I'm writing this purely for selfish reasons. I don't care if anyone reads this, I don't care if no one reads this.

(It occurs to me that this last point may be put in contention by arguing that a man caring not if he has no readers would not then link this journal to the internet, to which I would reply that any feedback and observations are still welcome and wanted, after a fashion, because I am both the person I perceive myself to be and the person others perceive me to be, and I believe the two are different. I don't believe that looking back this will be an accurate portrayal of myself at this time unless those around me were assisting to shape my thoughts and beliefs on the subjects and moments herein. Were I to get no responses, however, I don't believe entries would stop, because the original purpose of this endeavor is a selfish one, and that is simply to untangle the strings in my head, to ease my own mind, and to maybe understand myself a little better. Whether no one reads or a million read, the aim stays the same.)

Well, OK. Maybe not simple.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Will. People will read, as you seem to have a lot of interesting things to say, even if it doesn't make sense to you right now. They may not respond, but that's neither here nor there, and as you say, you are not worried one way or the other. They are there none-the-less, like eyes in the darkened night.

    Don't really know you, but thought you were fun at Rom's clash of celebrations last Friday night, and I love to connect with fun and interesting people.

    Don't rush with sorting your shit out, as you are who you are, and change takes place in us all, and doesn't need to happen over night. Just 'stay true to yourself' and real friends will find you, and support you.

    Hope your move went well. Sounds like you are not to far from me... Maybe you need to start looking back on the other side... Just joking, 'The Scray' and surrounds is a big place, so I hope your new home works out.

    Keep writing, and we will keep reading. Take care, Brett.
